Welcome to the Kele Village Umbrella Project, KeleVillage iNK and the East End Park East Van Stories Series
As a writer, it is my goal to inspire children to become the Dream of Peace in these chaotic times. And so, I created a children's book series to help bring this Dream of Peace to the World. The East End Park East Van Stories series is part of this Great Work.
Story by story, adventure to adventure, children and youth from around Mother Earth will join children and youth from the East End neighborhood of Vancouver to become the Whirling Rainbow Dreamers and Spirit Warriors needed to activate this evolution of peace in our World.
I believe in the heart of every child is a Whirling Rainbow Warrior waiting and ready to share their beauty and gift with the World. A person who is ready to say no to war, and stand up for peace without violence, is a child with the power of Creation living in their heart. I am one of those children and so are you. This is why I believe in the power of Love and the Dream of Peace.
The Dream of Peace is possible, we only need to connect to our hearts, and peace will have the power and place to grow.
The East End Park East Van Stories series was created to include children in the creative process and to be a connecting link between the youth in my neighborhood and the World.
The Kele Village Umbrella Project will present an 'Interactive Storytime Experience' showcasing the book ‘How Long Stalk Became a Flower’ to children.
The Creative Storytime goal is to have children experience a visual and interactive concrete connection to the Story series. Through an interactive, visual, dress-up and adventure experience, children will help build the Rainbow Bridge of Friendship with the Hero of the series Long Stalk; becoming the Whirling Rainbow Circle of friends found in the story characters, and the Traditional Hopi Elders message of Peace.
The Kele Village Umbrella Project creative goals for the East End Park East Van Stories series include a Storytime Web Channel, featuring Whirling Rainbow Warrior’s friends; Medicine Animal Teachings; Mindful and Traditional knowledge sharing circles to help navigate our world; and Self-empowering interactive talks to transform negative perceptions into positive self-awareness.
The Creative Interactive Storytime Web Channel will introduce new educational learning models based on sacred geometry and science; the integration of spiritual consciousness, awareness, and beauty for the self; the responsibility and relationship of cooperation with the natural world; networking with Indigenous elders and their communities; and sharing experiences of resiliency and transformation, all to bring the Sacred Rainbow Circle into the hearts and minds of children, so that they can grow together in love and understanding, knowing they are already whole, perfect and complete.
The spiritual goal of the Kele Village Umbrella Project is to lead us all back to remembering our connection to Mother Earth, the sacred gift of life our mothers give us, and the sacred role of our fathers as life-protectors.
KeleVillage iNK (Integrity Nurturing Kreativity) is a philanthropic enterprise connected to the East End Park East Van Stories series. 50% of the net profit from sales of each book in the series will support the youth of Hotevilla Village, Arizona, the students of Xpéy School in Vancouver British Columbia, and the satellite communities connected to the communities of Hotevilla and Xpéy School. I have also created a working philosophy using the acrostic formula of KeleVillage iNK. (Check out Teacher's Corner)
I am forever inspired by the Traditional Hopi Elder's message of Peace and by all traditional teachings of the Original People of Mother Earth. The natural kingdoms I played in as a child, and the children I have worked with as an Educator have nurtured and taught me the truth of beauty and the power of love. These truths and experiences have inspired all five series and creative goals to help build a Rainbow Bridge of Friendship and Peace for all children throughout the world.
Finding Peace between each other begins when we share our stories of resiliency, inclusion and empowerment. Sometimes that takes courage, sometimes it takes forgiveness, and most of all it takes honesty.
I have learned through the children I have been blessed to work, grow, and learn with, that creating a space where no shame or blame can find a root, truly allows children the safe place to transform their own lives, and to express the empathy, compassion and understanding needed for peace to grow. Truly, a child lives inside each of our Hearts, and that child is dreaming to be who they are.
I believe I was given a gift to be a modern storyteller. To give children stories that will heal, empower and help them to navigate this world, so they can grow strong, beautiful and free. And with that good power they will grow into peaceful Rainbow Warriors and Dreamers, ready to transform our sacred planet for all Life.
Sharing the Message of Peace in these chaotic and transforming times begins with finding the courage to be ourselves...
To all my Relations
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Join Long Stalk and the Rainbow Warriors Peace Evolution on Facebook. Tracking news that makes a difference - Sharing stories that give power to peace.
Featuring When I was a Child rebel stories about spirit, connection and keeping your wings attached.
The Whirling Rainbow Prophecy, the Sacred Heart Circle, the Seven Generations Children, the Path to Peace