The Educational Goal of the Kele Village Umbrella Project is to bring awareness of our Original People's culture of Turtle Island to children, and the unique gift this awareness brings when children discover they are a part of Turtle Island and the dream to see all Nations coming together in peace. The Whirling Rainbow and Sacred Rainbow are the foundation to this the Educational Goal.
The Whirling Rainbow Prophecy tells of a time when all people of the world will come together in peace. We will recognize our responsibility to be caretakers of our planet in helping each other and Mother Earth to grow strong.
The Sacred Rainbow learning module created by me and Serena Archer, will support teachers and home-school parents' educational goals for curriculum in science, world mythologies and sacred rainbow stories the Whirling Rainbow Prophecies of responsibility, and the Seven Generations model that recognizes our responsibility to the future seven generations, in ensuring them a viable and sustainable ecology supporting all life.
The Creative Goal of the Interactive Storytelling Experience is to empower children to embrace their individual uniqueness and role in shaping the future. It is a story-time adventure to inspire friendship and love as a universal foundation, that leads to the development of positive Self-Awareness and Self-esteem, that in turn leads to cooperation and creative expression.
The ‘Interactive Storytelling’ Goal is to engage and include children into the story experience through music, dress up, and Storytime setting and props; whereby the children see and feel themselves a part of Long Stalk's journey and the Whirling Rainbow Dream of Peace.
The Collective Dream found in Long Stalk's journey throughout the East End Park East Van Stories series is also a Sacred Dream. Long Stalk's dream is to connect the children to their True Selves; to help children and youth (found in the human and animal characters) recognize their individual and unique value as co-creators in building a brighter future for themselves, their families, friends, and community. Through the application of the Hopi Way of Peace and the understanding of the Great Law of Peace, the connecting links through Traditional knowledge to modern storytelling is made. This foundation for truth, friendship and love, naturally develops into a community, global awareness and goal for peace, through peaceful actions, and not based in a war consciousness of ownership of land and resources; but the active conscious application of peace, inclusion and cooperation supporting children’s conscious development toward compassion for each other and respect for all life.
Long Stalk Brings the Message of Love
The Interactive Story Step by Step
Props, Indigenous Artifacts and Regalia
Connecting Long Stalk's Story to the Classroom.
The Art Experience
Connecting the Rainbow Dream and message of Peace to the neighborhood.
Peace Circle/Give-Away
Connecting Long Stalk's Story to the World. Featured Artists/ How Long Stalk Became a Flower Play
A Guide for Circles and Mischievous Children
An Interactive Presentation for all Ages
Visit 'When I Was a Child Bla Bla Bla Blog' for short stories that build connection, understanding, resilience and empowerment