Join the Whirling Rainbow Warrior's Evolution
The Dream of Peace establishes Spirit, Creativity, Integrity and the Path of Heart as a collective way we can walk to empower all children to believe in themselves and each other, to transform, and uplift our planet, toward the Rainbow Dream of Peace found in the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy and the Sacred Rainbow Circle.
The East End Park East Van Stories series was developed to connect children and youth in a concrete creative way to each other and the storytelling experience. Through Self-Portrait Artwork and Mother Earth Pledges children are joined to the series; with their artwork and pledges becoming part of the published book series. Children can also draw self-portrait and written pledges directly into the individual book; or they can email their self-portrait artwork and pledges to to be featured on the website under Rainbow Warriors United Page.
The KeleVillage Umbrella Project and KeleVillage iNK (Integrity Nurturing Kreativity) will offer the Original children of Turtle Island and youth, opportunities to come together to develop and participate in creative and nature-based activities, and adventures. These concrete experiences will support and help children and youth build the foundations for truth, cooperation and resilience that lead to peace.
50% of net profits of the sales of the East End Park East Van Stories series will support Kele Village iNK, the friends of Xpey' School and Hotevilla Village.
The Story of Long Stalk is the journey of the Beautiful Child building the Dream of Peace for the Self, family, community and world. From one small seed (an intention to be) the child remains true to the Path of Heart, so that they can build the path of peace for all life. Through the steps of establishing the true self in nature, friendship, belonging, empowerment, love and cooperation, the child builds the foundation of their own being. Every child is Long Stalk, that seed of Love's intention.
This spiritual journey of the Self is revealed in the story of Long Stalk and is connected to the message of the Traditional Hopi Elders, and many other Keepers of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy. As Long Stalk becomes the Sun-Flower, the power of love found in his heart grows, and he establishes his spiritual journey on Mother Earth, bringing the message of Peace to every child.
Through Long Stalk's story every child is given the encouragement to remain true to their own dreams and reason to be. From one story to the next, Long Stalk's circle of animal and human friends grows; and the neighborhood begins to transform with the power of Love weaving through every story and adventure, As the Whirling Rainbow manifests the power of Love through Light and Water, Long Stalk manifests the power of Love through his connection to the Sun, Father Sky, Moon, Mother Earth, and the growing circle of helpers and friends.
Long Stalk as a representative of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy and Sacred Heart Circle establishes the power of Love through his connection to the Dream of Peace. In his dedication and promise, he upholds the Traditional Hopi Elders responsibility of preserving the natural balance of the world, the sacred foundations of Mother Earth; the responsibility to the Seven Generations of children yet to come; and the Great Laws of Love and Peace. From this connection to Mother Earth the foundation for peace is set in motion, and the Rainbow Bridge toward understanding, cooperation and transformation begins the Dream of Peace becoming realized for every child within the Never-ending experience of life and Creation.
The seed of Love found in the sacred space of the heart of every child will build the Sacred Rainbow Heart. This power to follow one's heart, becomes the vehicle that drives the dream of peace forward, just as Long Stalk changed into a seed to become a sunflower and bring forth the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy; the power within the Sacred Rainbow Heart depends on the power to grow, to change, to have courage to stand with Truth, and the willingness to cooperate for the benefit of all. But first, the child must have the fortitude to remain true to one' s True Self, thereby, all the forces of creation can work to support the individual dreams of each child; and the Great Work of healing our planet and every broken heart.
Every child's story is important. When children are given the opportunity to share their stories, they grow inwardly and together. Sharing stories connects us to each other, the past, the present and future. When we grow together, we can change our human condition from one of war to one of peace. The Path of Heart ensures the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy will lead us all to Peace. Let us begin the Great Work and be the ones that build the bridge of understanding for all children, and with this foundation, the Children will have the power and direction to accomplish the Great Work of Love and Peace.
ª Peace is easy when you open your Heart
ª Peace is an Unbroken Rainbow
ª Peace not War
ª Peace is the Love we Share
ª I believe in Peace
ª Peace is Two Kids playing in a Garden
ª Peace has the Power to Change Everything
ª Peace shape-shifts the World
ª Peace is a Rainbow Warrior
ª Peacekeepers of the World Unite
ª Peace turns hate into Love
ª Peace-full Actions bring hope
ª A World in Peace is Round not square
ª Peace Talks are Real
ª I can change the World one Peace at a Time
ª I believe Peace works
ª Peace could if you Would
ª Peace is a 5 letter Word
ª Peace Remembers the Babies
ª Peace is a Concept without Rules
ª I would Run for Peace
ª I would Dance for Peace
ª I would Jump for Peace
ª I would Sing for Peace
ª A Peace in Time saves Lives
ª A Peaceful Revolution Turns
ª Will you dance for Peace?
ª Peace and Love rock
ª I am One with Peace
ª You are Peace Too
ª Peace for Free is Good
ª Peace and Weapons don’t Mix
ª Peace is good for Children
ª Peace between Two… Elevates
ª Peace Rules
ª Peaceful Dreams to You
ª Peace is good for Grandmas and Grandpas
ª Peace Believes in Love
ª Peace forever is Radicle
ª Peace makes me Happy, and so do You
ª Let’s wish upon a Peaceful Star
ª Peace can rock the Blues Away
ª Peace Leads to Understanding
ª Peace and Forever go Together
ª It’s Peace Time
ª I am Peace
ª Say no to War
ª Say yes to Peace
ª Peace is a Rainbow Flower