Extension: Have Children write their own Love is... poem; or create a writing challenge with each stanza beginning with 'Love has the Power to...
ex: ... to turn a cloudy day into sunshine.
Connection and Belonging
An activity to help children understand their connection to their mother connects them to the heart of and Love of all their mother's ancestors. Introduce stories from Indigenous cultures that honor the feminine.
Music and Sound
Real drums, pots and pans, rocks and sticks.
Introduce the Drum with a Drum Story. Connect the Drum to the Heartbeat of our mothers and Mother Earth...
Introduce stories from Indigenous cultures that honor the masculine.
An Activity that promotes interconnectedness to all life.
Go for a nature walk to discover and take pictures of all the bugs you see and find. Document their environments. Then go back a week later to see what's up. Are they still there, have they transformed into another being? Such as caterpillars to butterflies, ladybug grubs to ladybugs with wings.
The Flower of Life represents the cycle of creation and the interconnectedness of all life. When looking at the geometric symbol, the image is seen to contain the seven chakras. The Flower of Life shows us we are all a part of divine interconnectedness.
Connecting our planet Mother Earth to the planetary system she is a part of. One of billions of solar cell systems in our Milky Way Galaxy
*Large Canvas or drawing sheet for a collective artwork.
*Liquid Tempera Paint in all the colors of the Rainbow. *Paint brushes for all children.
* Jars with water for rinsing paint brushes
*One white Correl dinner plate or tray for teachers use.
*Three sets of flat paint trays to add tempera paint to, for each child in activity.
*Washable towel to place on floor next to teacher's seat during introduction.
*A cut out image of planet Earth to place inside the Rainbow Circle.
*Spray water bottle with water inside.
*Prism Light Refractor.
*Quartz Crystal of various colors.
*A small snack of fruit in various rainbow colors: Strawberries, oranges, bananas, kiwi blueberries and purple grapes to share at end of circle.
*A liter of water and paper cups for drinking.
*Picture of Thomas Banyancya (download from website KVUP Teachers' Storytelling Package)
* Video of Light and Rain making a rainbow.
Ꚛ Teacher paints a painted picture of a rainbow in a circle or downloads an image of a rainbow that is in full circle to present with activity.
Ꚛ Cut out image of planet Earth or a globe ball of Mother Earth to place inside the Rainbow Circle.
Ꚛ Prepare the 3 sets of paint trays ahead of time. With first set of trays place a blob of tempura paint of each color of the rainbow onto the individual trays. This set will be used to mix all the colors together to become the color of the earth during the introduction circle.
The second set of trays will have all 7 colors of the rainbow on their individual tray. This set of trays is for painting individual rainbows onto the canvas or material. First set of trays are placed to the side of the art activity ready to give to each child during the art experience.
Third set of trays are placed to the side of the art activity ready to give to each child to paint rainbows on each other's hands.
Ꚛ Teacher sets up first set of tempura paint trays next to circle introduction, with paint brushes.
Ꚛ Teacher sets up second set of tempura paint trays next to art activity, with paint brushes and small jars of water to rinse brushes.
Ꚛ Have bottles of the tempura paint ready to refill trays for children during art activity.
Ꚛ Teacher sets up third set of tempura paints next to art activity.
Ꚛ Begin Circle with... A Rainbow is the messenger of Light manifesting color into our world through the power of water.
The Teacher introduces the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy told by Thomas Banyancya, a Traditional Hopi Elder and Kokmongi. Show picture of Thomas Banyancya.
“As Native Americans, we believe the Rainbow is a sign from the Spirit of all things. It is a sign of the union of all people, like one big family. The unity of all humanity, many tribes and peoples is essential.” Thomas Banyancya, late spokesman for the Hopi traditional elders from Hotevilla.
Ꚛ Teachers can use my 'When I was a Child' blog to introduce the scientific concept of what a Rainbow is. Using my simplified concept connects the science to the story of Long Stalk, the Rainbow Warriors and Flowers, the Sacred Rainbow Circle and Heart...
"So, what is a rainbow? A rainbow is an arc of color in the sky that can be seen with our eyes. A rainbow is actually a circle... (Show image of the rainbow in circular form.). it is round like Mother Earth. A rainbow in the sky appears when sunlight passes through water, like rain, mist, spray and dew. (turn on flashlight and spray water from the water bottle across the flashlight's beam of light).
The rain slows down the light and causes it to bend. Rainbows can be full of circles too, but we can only see an arc of the shining droplets of colored light above the ground.
Now we are mostly made of water, and so for me, a Rainbow Warrior is a water-being with the power of the light shining through them. They are not fighters or destroyers, but holders of love and kindness. They help Mother Earth to grow strong and bring the message of peace, understanding, transformation and renewal. A Rainbow Warrior knows they are already perfect. They just need to grow natural and full of light into their own beingness. Did you know that when we mix all the colors of the rainbow together, they become the color of the earth?
(The Teacher now takes each bottle of tempura paint and drops a blob of each color onto the large white tray. Then teacher/facilitator hands out the first set of trays to children with paint brushes. While asking the children to wait until we are all ready to mix the paint together. Then slowly begin to mix the paints together, having children follow you. When all are mixed together to form the earth neutral color, ask the children what color they see?)
Ꚛ Acknowledge we all live on Mother Earth, just as all rainbows live in the Sky.
"A Rainbow is full of power and there are many stories that tell of the magic of light, sound and color. So let us build a rainbow bridge of love and peace together. Let’s remember who we are.
Ꚛ The Teacher now gathers the children to the art table to paint Rainbows onto the canvas. Do not worry how the rainbows look. This is a visual and sensory experience.
Ꚛ When the rainbows have been painting,
- Have children bring their trays to the sink. Draw them back to stand in a circle around the art table. Hand out third set of tempura trays to children.
- Ask Children if they would like to paint rainbows onto each other's hands.
- While children are painting rainbows onto each other's hand the teacher/facilitator takes her tray of paint and using their pointer finger begins to take dabs of paint to make flowers (much like a bingo dabber)
Ꚛ The purpose of this part of art activity it to present children with a visual, sensory and challenge for attending to the environment experience. The goal is to have children follow the teachers silent lead to make flowers, and further the creative experience of color and feel.
The children continue until all who have wanted to paint rainbows, each other and flowers are done. then everyone washes their hands.
Ꚛ Now return to the circle space and share fruit, water to drink and individual stories, or feelings on how different colors make them feel.
Now the teacher passes the plate of fruit around the circle, and one by one offers cups of water to drink. This final step in the Learning Activity grounds the children to Mother Earth through food. While the water supports the concept of what a Rainbow is. The different colored fruit brings in the color. While letting the children know it is through sunlight, the plants grow and through Mother Earth the plants receive their nutrients. Just as the food gives us our nutrients.
ꚚIn Closing... The Teacher lets the children know "The Rainbow is a real phenomenon of Light, Sound, and Water. And while it is not a human being; it helps us to remember we are made of water, light and sound too. The Rainbow teaches us the power of coming together for Peace and the protection of all children and life upon our Mother Earth.
Share if you like...
"We are Light. We are the vision of Peace in Father’s Sky’s heart; we are Mother Earth’s children full of Love; We are the Song of Creation and the Dream of the Whirling Rainbow. Let us come together in Peace for all the children of the world and those yet to be born. Let us remember children are already whole, they don’t need fixing or changing. They just need to play in Mother Earth’s Garden."
* Large sky blue felt panel for sky background in felt board is another color
*Number cards for counting.
*White felt material for large Moon Circle.
*Velcro for back of white moon circle, stem and earth.
*Felt material for 2 sets of 25 cut out felt petals of any color.
*Green felt material for Stem.
*Yellow felt material for the Sun.
*Brown material for Mother Earth.
* Light and dark blue felt material for raindrops.
*brown felt material for a small seed.
*Colored ribbons. Have enough ribbons cut out for the children to make a choice of color. 30 ribbons or more will allow for a class of 24 to have a choice of color.
* Music recording for dancing.
1. Cut out all shapes: Moon Circle, Sun Circle, Petals, long green stem and brown felt to represent the earth.
2. Make sure Moon Circle is large enough for all petals
3. Cut out light and dark blue raindrops.
4. Cut out a small brown seed.
5. Glue a few pieces of Velcro onto the back of the Moon White Circle, green stem and earth to help hold the felt material onto the felt board.
6. Number the Whirling Rainbow petals with a marker, or glue pre-cut craft letters onto each petal.
7. Whirling Rainbow Flower Petals can be any shape petals come in.
8. Cut out pieces of long ribbon of various colors for the children to hold as they whirl, twirl and dance.
At Circle:
*Set up sky blue background ahead of circle time.
1. Have the long green stem rolled up and ready to unroll...
2.Using one set of numbered petals, give each child a petal until all the petals are given out.
3. The teacher introduces the Felt Story to children explaining, "We are going to build a Whirling Rainbow Flower with the power of the Sun, Moon, Mother Earth and Father Sky."
4.The teacher places the sun and earth pieces on the felt board naming the Yellow Circle as Grandfather Sun, the brown felt piece as Mother Earth.
5. The teacher places the brown seed under the brown felt material of Mother Earth, explaining "We are just like this seed, we need the Sun, Moon, Earth and Water to grow."
56. Then the teacher places the raindrops onto the felt board explaining, "All life needs water to grow. The water comes from the sky and falls to the earth to nourish the seed."
7. Holding the rolled-up green stem, place the stem on top of the earth, then unwind and roll the green stem upward until it is one long stem standing flat against the felt board and on top of earth; letting the children know "All life grows up from Mother Earth".
86. Place the Moon Circle just above the stem, giving space between the circle and stem for petals to be placed by the children explaining, "Mother Earth needs the help of the Moon to help the seeds to grow and sprout."
9. With the Numbered Cards, the teaches begins with the number one, showing the card to the children and having the child with the number 1 come up and place their petal around the Moon White Circle, continuing on through the numbers until all the petals are placed around the Moon White Circle. (don't worry if the petals overlap... let the children know the petals are holding hands, if there is a child that becomes concerned, they cannot see their petal.)
10. Using the second set of numbered petals, place and count them out onto the felt board for an extra round of counting; making two rows 1-10, 11-20.
10. Now hand out the second set of numbers to children again, hand out long ribbons, letting children choose a color. Then have children stand up in a circle. Let the children know "The power of the Sun, Moon, Mother Earth and Father Sky is in each of them too, and you are already perfect just the way you are. So, let's get the power of the Whirling Rainbow moving and together we will grow in peace and understanding."
11. Start playing any piece of music, with the teacher showing the children how to whirl and spiral their ribbons and bodies to the sound of the music. Of course, the children will become excited and maybe fall down, this is the purpose of the Math and Movement activity. You can bring them back into focus and quietness by directing the children it is time for the flowers to go to sleep. Turn off the Lights/close the blinds/curtains etc.
12. Have the children curl up on the ground, take three deep breaths and sit back up. Open the curtains/blinds/or turn on lights.
13. Give each child a numbered petal from the 'second set' of numbered petals.
14. Then using the 'card set' of numbers, call up each child up and have each child place their numbered petal in the teacher's hand before leaving the circle space, until each child has placed a numbered petal back to into the teacher's hand and left the circle.
Note: Do not worry if petals are not in sequential order. the second set of petals are to count out and see the sequential order of numbering.